Cosgrove Lab

A research group at Keele University in the UK investigating biocatalysis and continuous flow

The Cosgrove Group at Keele University

Using continuous flow biocatalysis to enable enzymes for organic synthesis


Continuous Flow

Bioprocess optimisation

We are a research group at Keele University in the UK. Our research focusses on using technology to improve and increase biocatalysis application in synthetic chemistry, with a particular focus on enzyme immobilisation and continuous flow.

Group news

02/2024: There is a postdoctoral research associate position available with us and Prof Gavin Miller. The project is a collaboration with Unilever, UCL, the University of Manchester and the University of Liverpool, funded by the BBSRC.

02/2024: We have a new PhD studentship available for a 09/2024 start. The project, which will focus on enzymatic approaches to surfactant-like molecules and derivatives, is in collaboration with Prof Gavin Miller and industry partners Unilever.

12/2023: Alice passed her viva!!! Well done Dr Wahart, the first PhD student of the Cosgrove group! Thanks very much to Prof Nick Turner and Dr Mark Skidmore for examining. Keep in touch Alice!

11/2023: We have a new PhD studentship available for a 09/2024 start. The project, which will focus on the development of glycoconjugate synthesis in continuous flow, is in collaboration with Prof Gavin Miller and industry partners Iceni Glycoscience.

10/2023: Well done to Alice and Simon who have published our new article in ChemBioChem looking at using alcohol oxidases for bioremediation!

10/2023: We have a new website!

09/2023: Welcome to the group Apisit who has started his PhD with us, and Andrea and Matthew who will both work for the next year with us as Masters students.

Dr Sebastian Cosgrove

Get in touch

Recent articles

The cover art for our recent article on inaccessible biocatalytic cascades enabled by continuous flow in Angewandte Chemie.